End of Life
We live in a culture that is not yet very comfortable talking about death and end of life issues, and this is almost always to our detriment. Getting some professional support at these times can be very beneficial to your well-being.
If you are anticipating your own death, I can help you prepare for what that looks and feels like. We can help you adjust to accepting a terminal diagnosis or starting hospice. I can assist you with areas of advance care planning, including legal and financial matters, and final preparations. We can process what you may want to do or say to anyone in this end stage of life.
If your loved one is significantly or terminally ill, you may be dealing with anticipatory grief - the normal mourning that occurs when you’re expecting the death of a loved one. You also may be dealing with ambiguous grief - where your loved one is still physically alive, but their “real self” is already gone due to reasons like dementia. We can make a plan for self-care (caring for the caregiver), process and plan what you want to do before their death, and understand what post-death healing is like.
I can help you to make these very difficult times more personally meaningful. You don’t have to go through this alone.